Monday, December 2, 2013

Transformative Parenting

Start a Self-Discovery Process and Learn Concrete Parenting Skills
To Help You Parent from Your Values

In this 4-month online course, you'll go through a self-discovery process and learn concrete skills in order to consistently parent from your values.

empowerThis parenting course is unlike any other you'll find. While most parenting guides focus on making the child do what the parent wants, this course instead focuses on who we're being with our kids and what we're modeling for them.

[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="raised" width="80%" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="3" border_color="#f20aa4" inside_shadow="false" ]Our innovative approach to parenting shows up in 5 main ways:[checklist]

  • Parent from the Inside Out: Instead of focusing on children’s behavior, you’ll examine what’s behind your default behavior and discover your inner authentic parent.

  • Use Conflict as Opportunities for Connection: Instead of using disciplining tools, you’ll learn to use relational tools to help you to find win-win solutions.

  • Share Power With, Not Over: Instead of getting your kids to behave through exerting power over them, you’ll share power with them so your kids feel heard and empowered to develop their own solutions.

  • Take the Long View of Parenting: Instead of just focusing on controlling children’s behavior in the now, you’ll focus on modeling feminist ideals of equality, self-love, and social justice for our kids to learn.

  • Discover Your Own Way: Parenting isn’t one-size-fits all. It’s a relationship between two unique, different people whose needs and feelings deserve to be acknowledged in the parenting approach.

[/checklist][/dropshadowbox]The fact is parenting is an amazing opportunity for personal growth. By focusing on your internal needs as a parent you will grow as a person - into your true, authentic self.

Through your own transformation:[checklist2]

  • Your relationships with your kids, partner, and even peers will start to change too.[pullquote_right]FavoriteParenting is an amazing opportunity for personal growth. By focusing on your internal needs as a parent you will grow as a person - into your true, authentic self.[/pullquote_right]

  • You will develop a confidence that only comes from knowing your inner voice’s truth and blocking out negative messages of self-doubt.

  • You’ll learn to enjoy parenting and stop the stressful power struggles that make parenting difficult and tiring.

  • Your kids will flourish with the new confidence you’ll be placing on their abilities to live peacefully in a family.

  • Your kids will become empowered when you focus on sharing “power with” rather than having “power over” them.

  • You’ll enjoy your kids more!


tpadTo develop your authentic parenting voice, you’ll learn how to:[checklist2]

  • Identify the core values your want to model for and pass on to your children

  • Understand your default parenting approach and how to use it to your advantage

  • Know what “misbehavior” is and what is really behind how we all act

  • Ways to communicate with your kids effectively, especially when they’re upset

  • Get back on track when you’re derailed from your parenting path

  • Hit the pause button when you feel yourself being triggered[/checklist2]

It’s about bringing forth the authentic parenting voice within you – the one that’s already there but bogged down under a barrage of how-to’s and thou-shalt’s thrust on parents from every direction.

We're offering a three different course packages so you can find just the one that meets your needs!  Read on for detailed explanation of each package.

I hope to see you on the inside!

Paige Lucas-Stannard
Founder of Parenting Gently



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all the course packages for

Transformative Parenting Include



Want To Reserve Your Space?

Then click below to sign-up and reserve your space! If you want to learn more, then keep reading...

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[go_pricing id="tp_option1"]Option #1 is for all the lesson and journal material taken at a self-guided pace.  You'll get sequential access to:

[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="raised" width="300px" height="" background_color="#f7e938" border_width="1" border_color="#ffffff" ]

You'll get access to:

  • 26 hours of material

  • 6 In-depth Journal Guides

  • 1 Parenting Personality Assessment

  • 16 Parenting Affirmations

  • PLUS access to the Course forums


Similar parenting courses are sold for $250 and up.  I want to make the class accessible to everyone and I'm offering the class for only $97. You can’t find a better deal or a more life changing class!

Finances are difficult as a parent so I'm also offering a monthly payment plan!  For just $25 today, you can get started on your journey and you will pay 3 more monthly installments during the class of $25.

[animated_button align="center" animation="pulse" color="yellow" size="medium" text="Register for Option 1 Now" url=""]

This option does not include any one-on-one email or phone support, however, you can always contact me with questions and we can determine how I can help along the way.[dividers style="3"]

[go_pricing id="tp_option2"] Option #2 is the most popular option because it includes individual coaching at an affordable rate!

This option includes all the content of option #1 PLUS weekly email feedback/coaching for the lessons.[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="raised" width="300px" height="" background_color="#3fb532" border_width="1" border_color="#fdf1f1" ]

You'll get access to:

  • 26 hours of material

  • 6 In-depth Journal Guides

  • 1 Parenting Personality Assessment

  • 16 Parenting Affirmations

  • PLUS access to the Course forums

  • PLUS Email Coaching for all 6 Journal Guides

  • PLUS Gender Neutral Parenting eBook


Email coaching is done via the Journal Exercises.  You submit your Journal and I review and give feedback.  You can also ask specific questions at the end of your Journal and I'll reply to those as well.

Email coaching is often offered for $20-40 per email.  You get six email sessions that will help you explore the topics deeper for only around $8 each.

You can pay in one payment of $147.  You can also choose to pay in installments - this means you can get started for only $37 today and then 3 monthly payments of $37.

Space is limited.

In order to provide in-depth, one-on-one feedback I keep the course registration for Option #2 and Option #3 limited to 10 people.  Save your space now![animated_button align="center" animation="pulse" color="green" size="medium" text="Register for Option #2 Now" url=""][dividers style="3"]

[go_pricing id="tp_option3"] Option #3 is the Complete Coaching Package.

This includes all the features of options #1 and #2 PLUS 2 live coaching sessions with me.

[dropshadowbox align="center" effect="raised" width="300px" height="" background_color="#9c0ad9" border_width="1" border_color="#fdf1f1" ]

You'll get access to:

  • 26 hours of material

  • 6 In-depth Journal Guides

  • 1 Parenting Personality Assessment

  • 16 Parenting Affirmations

  • PLUS access to the Course forums

  • PLUS Email Coaching for all 6 Journal Guides

  • PLUS Gender Neutral Parenting eBook

  • PLUS 2 45-minute live coaching sessions

  • PLUS Let's Talk About Sex eBook

  • PLUS Gentle Parenting Reminder Card (mailed to your home)

[/dropshadowbox]The coaching sessions are 45 minutes long and done via phone, skype, or facetime. This is an opportunity to work on your unique parenting situation and find strategies to help you parent from the heart.

Coaching sessions cost $75 individually but in this package you get two for only $50!

You can pay in one payment of $197 or in 4 installments.  That means you can get started for only $50 today and then 3 additional monthly payment of $50.

Space is limited.

In order to provide in-depth, one-on-one feedback I keep the course registration for Option #2 and Option #3 limited to 10 people.  Save your space now![animated_button align="center" animation="pulse" color="purple" size="medium" text="Register for Option #3 Now" url=""][dividers style="3"]

For a taste of the course, this video is the overview of Module 1 and sets the stage for the learning objectives.

[video_skin style="4" title="Module 1 Overview (sample video)" tag="h6" player="youtube" video_id="7rhUa1L34D0" controls="yes" width="485" height="295"]

How I Discovered My Authentic Parenting Voice

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[caption id="attachment_1468" align="alignleft" width="294"]preemie twins Paige with her preemie twins in the NICU.[/caption]

I always imagined I would be a mother one day. When it became clear that becoming pregnant would be very difficult, I felt the universe wasn’t giving me a baby because I was unworthy of one.

So I read everything I could on parenting to prove them otherwise - from pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, formula feeding, cribs, co-sleeping, vaccines, discipline, diapers, homemade baby food, baby led weaning, yoga classes, baby sign language, to poetry for babies.

On top of that, I was getting all these messages on how I “should” parent from “spare the rod, spoil the child,” to the SuperNanny telling us rules, structure, and “tough love” are important, to 20 Kids and Counting using gentle but tightly controlled discipline to run their family.

I was looking for the answer to being a great parent out there somewhere.

Then my daughter was born. The birth was “perfect,” she was “perfect,” and everything was perfectly perfect.

Until I woke up one night in the wee hours with a panic attack. Suddenly, a decision I’d made to forgo a newborn procedure, a decision I’d made through tons of research, seemed like the stupidest idea ever.

My daughter was going to die an agonizing death and it would be all my fault. I finally got the child I’d dreamed of and I’d already messed her up at 3 days old.

It was paralyzing. I realized that all the research in the world wasn’t going to make me a good mom if I didn’t trust myself - my true, inner sense of rightness.

And that feeling of “rightness” was more important than any single bit of parenting advice I could get. The answer was inside me, not out there.

This scenario where I panic that I’m messing my kids up happens again and again. But I’ve learned how to take a deep breath, be still, and listen for the inner rightness.

The better I get at listening to this inner voice, the easier parenting is! Well, maybe not easy. My kids make messes, have tantrums, and push my buttons like any kids will.

But the difference is that when I’m in that flow of feeling connected to my inner voice, parenting is actually fun!

Suddenly, no obstacle seems that daunting. Rather it feels like a chance for connection with my kids and a deeper connection with myself.


If you'd like to make this shift and approach parenting your children like this, then this course is for you.


Module 1 – Unpack Your Parenting Habits and Assumptions

We get little training or instruction on how to proceed when we first become parents. So we cobble together a parenting style based on the parenting culture around us and our own upbringing (either running from it or towards it).

But that doesn’t mean we even agree with our default way of parenting! So in this first module, you’ll focus on understanding how your current default parenting style shows up and why.

Lesson 1 – Unpacking Cultural Messages About Parenting

We’ve all been bombarded with messages about what a “good” parent should do, from how all women are natural nurturers, that no man can be trusted to change diapers, to how single moms are ruining the country.

Feminism and many great caregivers of all genders, marital status, and sexual orientations have argued and proven that those messages are inaccurate, poor ideals to aspire to. But we’ve often absorbed more than we realize, even when these messages are in direct conflict with our parenting values.

To help you unpack your assumptions around what you “should” be doing and distinguish what is not your authentic parenting voice, you’ll:

  • See which of the common cultural stories about parenthood you have internalized

  • Identify how these internalized messages manifest and impact your life, including feeling guilt, fear, or anger

  • Practice stopping these toxic messages before they take over your parenting and replacing them with your own intentions.

Lesson 2 – Understanding Your Default Response to Difficult Emotions

In our society, we’re not taught how to process difficult emotions in a healthy way. So it’s no surprise that we don’t know what to do when our own children get upset (which can be really often!). Between our desire to make them stop crying and have us stop feeling so helpless, we may feel compelled to deny or dismiss their feelings.

Unfortunately this only teaches them that their feelings don’t count and that it’s wrong to share them. In the long-run, this can negatively impact their own emotional healthiness as well as their capacity to feel empathy for others.

To help you teach them how to process difficult emotions and model respect and empathy for your children, you’ll:

  • Take a questionnaire to identify how you usually relate to your child when they are experiencing strong emotions

  • Understand the difference between honoring someone’s emotions and giving in to someone’s emotions

  • Practice honoring your child’s emotions and connecting with them through empathy

Lesson 3 – Meeting Your Parenting Fears

When our children are born, they are entirely dependent on us, which can feel completely scary and overwhelming. Even as they grow up and become more independent, that fear continues, saying, “if you don’t do X, you’re going to mess them up – for the rest of their lives!”

And in our society, fear is commonly used as a weapon to keep us in our place. So we’re taught to act according to our fears – instead of our values and aspirations. And when we model this for our kids, we often pass on our own fears to them.

To help you shift from acting from fear to empathy and model how to act in the face of fear for your children, you’ll:

  • Identify your parenting fears and how they affect your interactions with your kids

  • Learn how to move past our fears and parent from a place of trust

  • Practice turning your fears into positive affirmations

Module 2 – Discover Your Authentic Parenting Approach

Now that you’ve unpacked some of the parenting baggage that clutters our minds, you can begin to focus on what you truly want your parenting to look like.

Have you ever been in a job interview where the interviewer asked “where do you see yourself in 10 years?” and you scramble for a good answer but in your head you’re thinking “I just want to be employed!” Sometimes parenting can feel that way.

We are rarely asked what our goals are for parenting and if we are we just think, “I just want to keep my kids alive!” or “I just want to stop arguing about homework!”

So in our second module, you’re going to examine what you really want out of parenting – which is a wonderful gift you can give to yourself and your kids.

Lesson 1 – Identifying Your Core Values

We all have so many values we find important – honesty, compassion, honor, equality, creativity, etc. It’s hard to say “no” to any value – since they’re all so valuable. But without clarifying which values are most important to us and in what ways, we remain fuzzy on how to live from those values.

Knowing what our core values are provides a basis for decision making in all parts of our lives – especially parenting. And since kids learn from what we do more than from what we say, living from our core values is the best way to pass them on.

To find clarity in what your core values mean to you, you’ll:

  • Look at how your values translate to your kids through your interactions with them

  • Identify the unique core values that are most important to you

  • Identify the goals you have for your parenting

Lesson 2 – Informing Your Parenting with Your Values

Having clarity on the values that mean the most to us is the first step. And now we need to explore how to bring those lofty ideals into seemingly mundane day-to-day tasks of parenting.

How does a value like respect impact body-autonomy in how you potty train your toddler? How does valuing teamwork translate into getting your seven year old to clean their room? How does the value of trustworthiness translate into setting rules for your teenager?

In order to take your values from the clouds to the ground, you’ll:

  • Look at the spheres of child development and how your core values inform your decisions in each area

  • Create your own Parenting Roadmap on how to apply your values to your parenting

  • Write your own Family Mission Statement combining your core values and goals

Lesson 3 – Creating Your Parenting Vision and Plan

To bring our values into our life, we have to do something that kids do naturally but we’ve been conditioned not to – Dream! Painting a picture of what different areas of your life and parenting would look like and how they would be different makes it far more real and concrete.

But we need to take the dreaming one step further. Once you have a vision of your ideal life and parenting, you’ll need to turn them into a plan with specific goals and concrete ways to achieve them.

To create an implementable vision, you’ll:

  • Learn how to put your parenting goals into action

  • Create your Vision Board of your ideal life with your kids and of goals to turn that into a reality

  • Create a strategy for applying your goals to common parenting scenarios.

Module 3 – Equip Yourself with New Parenting Skills

Now that you have created your parenting vision, you’ll learn actionable skills that will equip you to live up to your chosen parental ideals.

You’ll also learn some eye opening truths about why kids (and all humans) do the things they do and tools to help you turn stressful situations into important moments of learning and growth.

Lesson 1 – Understanding and Addressing “Misbehavior”

Similar to cultural stories about “good” parents, there are many erroneous stories about “good” children and “bad” children. How we think about children and what motivates their behavior has a profound affect on how we treat and interact with them – whether it’s that they’re wild animals or innocent angels.

But children, just like parents, don’t fit into society’s boxes and society’s explanations just limit and minimize what’s actually going on. Based on research on how and why children act the way they do and why, we can truly approach our children’s behavior from a position of empathy and connection.

In order to address the underlying reasons for children’s behavior, you’ll:

  • Learn why kids behave the way they do and why we view it as “misbehavior” when it’s just them expressing their needs

  • Identify dIfferent ways that children view adults that impact the way they interact with us

  • Practice reframing “misbehavior” by connecting with your kids

Lesson 2 – Communicating for Connection

The prevailing advice on parenting usually puts everyone into two narrow boxes:

  1. Your job as parent is to control your children. You have the power and their job is to conform OR

  2. Your job as a parent is to make your children happy. You give up the power to your child and subsume your needs to theirs.

But there is a third option that we don’t hear much about – sharing the power with your children. With the right skills, we can forge relationships based on equality and mutual respect where it’s a win-win situation.

To develop your skills to share power with your kids, you’ll:

  • Get a new tool for talking with your kids in a way that deepens connection

  • Learn how to talk to your kids in ways that encourage them to open up and doesn’t flip the defensive/rebellious switch

  • Practice sharing power with your child without sliding down the “permissive parent slope”

Lesson 3 – Acknowledging Needs and Feelings

When our children get upset (and then we get upset about them being upset), neither one of our needs and feelings may be clear to us. And in the heat of conflict, we can easily turn to controlling, judgmental, or manipulative words to make our children do what we want.

While we may get our way in that moment, this type of communication disconnects us from our children. Instead of trying to control our kid, we can focus on trying to understand and respect everyone’s need and feelings, even during conflict. This turns upset moments into opportunities for greater connection with our children.

To develop your skills in compassionate communication, you’ll:

  • Learn how to identify the needs and feelings in yourself and your kids

  • Practice how to communicate your needs and feelings without judgment

  • Practice how to request actions without criticism, control, or manipulation in a way that honors the needs and feelings of both parent and child

Capstone Project – Bring Your Parenting Approach To Life

During this month, you’ll bring together everything you’ve discovered and learned from the three modules and integrate them into your daily parenting life. You’ll choose one aspect of your parenting that you’d like to focus on and apply your authentic parenting approach and new skills to it.

With your Vision Board, Family Mission Statement, and Parenting Roadmap in hand, you’ll be able to tackle trying situations with your kids and turn them into opportunities for connection. You’ll see that the new found clarity of sweeping away the clutter of cultural messages, fears, and assumptions and focusing on your values and goals will bring the joy back to parenting.

To help you stay on track, you’ll learn how to address common derailers that may challenge your intentional parenting including:

  • Anger – How to work through your own anger and help your child do the same

  • Stress – How to come back to your center when you get stressed and teach your children the valuable life skill of stress management

  • Co-Parenting Challenges – How to provide more parenting consistency and greater harmony with your co-parent

  • Family Saboteurs – How to deal with family and friends that disagree with your parenting approach

  • Labeling and Praise – How to give productive feedback instead of labels and praise that can create anxiety


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Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Here are answers to some common ones, but contact us if you have others!

I'd love to take the course but I'm afraid I'm really busy. How much time will this take?
The class is designed to fit into a parent's busy life style with each lesson taking approximately 1-2 hours per week. If you want to go deeper, there will be optional readings and suggested resources.

And don't forget about all the extra time you'll have if some of the common parenting struggles were removed, like getting ready for school, eating meals, or going to bed. You might find the investment of time you make in the course will pay off in the long run.

It's great how much support I can get from Paige but what if I’m too busy to take advantage of it?
We all know how busy parents can be so we’ve designed the course to give you lots of flexible options. The group calls and one-on-one coaching are available at scheduled weekly times. But if you can't make those times, you can access both their recordings and transcripts afterwards. Plus you can use the forum and email to get direct support form Paige anytime you’re free.

What age children is the class geared towards?
This class is for parents of any and all aged children! Since we’re focusing on the personal transformation of the parent - all parents will benefit.

If you are pregnant, plan to start a family, or have a small baby that is an AMAZING time to start building your authentic parenting voice. Your child will benefit from always being used to having a centered parent that parents from their values.

If you have toddlers, preschoolers, or school-aged children it is never too late to shift your parenting to a values-based, authentic place. The class will use examples of common scenarios in this age group that will help you overcome obstacles to implementing your parenting roadmap. With one-on-one coaching with Paige you’ll also be able to have your specific questions answered.

If you are the parent of teens, young adults, or grandbabies this class will also provide a rich resource for conflict resolution and compassionate communication. You will find your relationships with all your family and friends flourish with your new centered authentic voice.

I don’t have kids but I work as a nanny/childcare provider, is this class for me?
As a caretaker for children the information you garner about how children process emotions and why they behave the way they do will be invaluable. You will also gain skills in compassionate communication and connecting through conflict that will help you in interactions with all the children in your life.

If I don’t have the extra money to pay for this course right now but I really want to take it, what should I do?
I've purposely underpriced this 4-month course at a reduced rate to make it more financially accessible. However, we understand that within our community, even spending an additional $6-12 per week (depending on the option chosen) may be too much for some. So here are some ways to manage the fee and still access the course:

  • Pay in 4 monthly installments: If you can’t pay the full price all at once, you can pay it in 4 installments.  When you get to the product page, choose the payment plan that's right for you.

  • Refer someone: If someone signs up and notes that you referred them at check out, you will get 25% of the fee refunded to you. So if you get 4 friends to join you, you get the course for free! Note that this also retroactive, so it’s ok if you’ve already signed-up, you’ll still get the discount!

How will I access everything?
The course starts on Monday, September 2nd and you will be given access to a special Transformative Parenting course members section on the Parenting Gently website. There, you will find all written materials, videos, recordings, schedule of live sessions, and the online forum. You will also get regular emails notifying you of when new lesson materials are available and reminders on assignments and support availability.

[guarantee style="2" title="100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee" tag="h2" name="Paige " text="custom"]

[caption id="attachment_1469" align="alignleft" width="211"]Paige's favorite parenting tool: be silly. Paige's favorite parenting tool: be silly.[/caption]

I'm so absolutely sure that you'll love the course that I'm offering an unconditional, no-questions-asked 30-day money back guarantee.If you sign up, go through the first month, and aren’t 100% satisfied, I will refund your money.

So there's no risk to signing up and getting the support you deserve.


If you’re ready to get the support you need to become the parent you've always wanted to be, click the button below to get started!

[go_pricing id="tp"]

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