Monday, June 20, 2011

How to give medicine gently?

How do you give medicines gently to a 2 year old! I don't want to just hold her down and force it on her but it is important that she take it.


  1. Mix it in a smoothie!

  2. I'm struggling with this too. My nearly 3 year old only drinks water. She doesn't like juice or squash or anything, hasn't done since she weaned off me at 13 months old.

  3. I let mine give it to themselves. It's already measured out in the dropper, aside from a few sticky cheeks, it works out pretty well.

  4. We either let my daughter give it to herself, pre-measured of course, or we would make a "sorbet" of pureed frozen fruit and add a small amount of medicine to each spoon, to mask the flavour. My daughter used to describe the medicine dribbled over the sorbet on the spoon as "sauce".

  5. Mixed in yogurt.



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